
“Red” is the color of power, the color of romantic hearts, the color of broken hearts and bodies, the color of blatant lies, and the color that appears at various times in our lives.

2022/08/05 Released.

#1 100 Times
#2 Cheers
#3 Where's the moonlight?

2023/04/17 Released.

#2 Hey Taxi
#3 Stars

Episode 1は、YAMAHA「SYNCROOM」のPVで披露しているウクレレサウンドが心地良い爽やかなアコースティックナンバー「100 times」、名アレンジャーとしても知られる安部潤の切ないピアノから始まるバラード「Cheers」、古強者、角田順の情緒的なギターが際立つロックソング「Where’s the moonlight」の3曲で構成される。「100 times」のMVは、ITSUKAが自らハワイで撮影し、ワンオペで制作した映像作品。

Episode 1 consists of three songs: “100 Times,” a breezy acoustic number with cozy ukulele sounds featured in the promotional video for YAMAHA’s SYNCROOM; “Cheers,” a ballad that begins with a well-known arranger Jun Abe’s tender piano; and “Where’s the moonlight,” a rock song highlighted by legendary guitarist Jun Tsunoda’s emotional guitar. The music video for “100 Times” was shot by ITSUKA herself in Hawaii and edited by herself.

Episode 2は、兼ねてからライブで人気が高かった、レッドアイ推進員会のテーマソング「RED EYE BLUES」を収録。前作から引き続き、アレンジャーに安部潤、ギターに角田順の大御所コンビを迎えている。煌びやかなピアノと伸びやかなロックギターに彩られた極上ポップソング「Hey Taxi」、優しく切ないミドルバラード「STAR」は、Episode 1とはまた違う味わい深い楽曲に仕上がっている。

Episode 2 includes “RED EYE BLUES,” the theme song for the Red Eye Committee, which has been popular at live performances for a while. Following on from the previous release, the album features the same great musical talents of Jun Abe as arranger and Jun Sumida as guitarist. Listening to the excellent pop song “Hey Taxi” with its bright piano and relaxed rock guitar, and the gentle sad mid-ballad “STAR,” you can feel a different charm from the previous album.


A breezy acoustic number with cozy ukulele sounds featured in the promotional video for YAMAHA's SYNCROOM. The hole in our hearts left by the loss of a loved family member or friend does not get any smaller as time goes by. So let's fill that hole little by little with memories, dedicated to Jumbo, the legendary dog who passed away in March 2022. The colors that color this song are pure heart colors, representing unconditional love. The music video for "100 Times" was shot by ITSUKA herself in Hawaii and produced by herself.

好きになった人が既に誰かのもの。その時に取る行動パターンはいくつかあるけれども、この主人公は、ワインとともに、気持ちを飲み込むことを選んだ。 名アレンジャーとしても知られる安部潤のピアノが、彼女のやるせない想いに優しく切なく共鳴する。この楽曲を彩る色は、ワインレッド。

The person you love already belongs to someone else. There are several patterns of action one can take at that moment, but this character chose to swallow her feelings along with the wine. The piano by Jun Abe, also known as a famous arranger, gently and sadly resonates with her painful feelings. The color that colors this song is wine red.


Was it so because there was no moonlight? Would it have been different if there had been moonlight?If you are criticized by a world that does not tolerate rule-breaking, it is only for a moment. But if you lie about your feelings, regret is a lifetime. A rock song highlighted by legendary guitarist Jun Tsunoda's emotional guitar. The color that colors this song is passionate red.


A song that has been popular at live performances for some time, is finally being released as the theme song for the "Red Eye Committee" of which ITSUKA is the chairperson, and has been described as the number one song to listen to while drinking red eye. The dynamic live sound of the song is like a jam session at a bar.


When you are tired and stressed and want to go somewhere far away but can't, listen to this song and relax your mind a little. An energy-charged song for those who are working hard, this excellent pop song features a wonderful chemistry between ITSUKA's laid-back singing and tambourine, Jun Abe's sparkling piano, and Jun Sumida's smooth rock guitar.


The tender and heartbreaking middle ballad "Stars” is dedicated to a friend who has been told only a short time to live, and to the family and friends who are trying to brighten the rest of his life with as many smiles as possible.Which star will you be?


All songs written by ITSUKA

Vocal, Chorus, Ukulele, Tambourine by ITSUKA

Guitars by Jun Sumida 
(Except RED EYE BLUES Acoustic Guitar played by ITSUKA)

Keyboards,Bass & Programming by Jun Abe

Arranged by Jun Abe & ITSUKA
Mixed & Mastered by Masakazu Kimura

Produced by ITSUKA

"100 times" MUSIC VIDEO

Location: Waikiki, Hawaii
Shot and Edited by ITSUKA

Powered by AMP UP


Photographer: Mark R.
Camera: OM SYSTEM OM-1

Directed by ITSUKA & Mark R.


Designed & Edited by ITSUKA