
“Red” is the color of power, the color of romantic hearts, the color of broken hearts and bodies, the color of blatant lies, and the color that appears at various times in our lives.

『RED Episode 1』特設ページ

Released on 2023/4/17

Episode 2は、兼ねてからライブで人気が高かった、レッドアイ推進員会のテーマソング「RED EYE BLUES」を収録。前作から引き続き、アレンジャーに安部潤、ギターに角田順の大御所コンビを迎えている。煌びやかなピアノと伸びやかなロックギターに彩られた極上ポップソング「Hey Taxi」、優しく切ないミドルバラード「STAR」は、Episode 1とはまた違う味わい深い楽曲に仕上がっている。

Episode 2 includes “RED EYE BLUES,” the theme song for the Red Eye Committee, which has been popular at live performances for a while. Following on from the previous release, the album features the same great musical talents of Jun Abe as arranger and Jun Sumida as guitarist. Listening to the excellent pop song “Hey Taxi” with its bright piano and relaxed rock guitar, and the gentle sad mid-ballad “STAR,” you can feel a different charm from the p

スタジオAMP UPを立ち上げてから学んだスキルも詰め込み、出来る限りD.I.Y.で制作しました。

『RED Episode 1』特設ページ

Released on 2022/8/05


ITSUKA’s new EP “RED” Episode 1 will be released on August 5, 2022!
This EP, her first in about two and a half years, is filled with her thoughts and feelings about her musical activities, which she was unable to do as much as she wanted due to Covid.
“I want to sing more freely and bravely in the new music industry that has been eliminated.”
She also put in the skills she has learned since launching the studio AMP UP, and produced it as D.I.Y. as she could.

The three songs she want to deliver now are excerpts from songs she started writing when we were in a band, as well as new songs that were born out of Covid.
The arranger is the master of the arrangement world, Jun Abe, and the guitar is played by the legendary guitarist, Jun Sumida. Please enjoy the three songs colored in different shades of red.


Released on 2020/1/10


A collection of songs produced through ITSUKA’s DIY crowdfunding “ITSUKA MUSIC VIDEO PROJECT”. This project includes songs and music videos where you can enjoy scenes of Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Route 66, and more. The videos were shot by ITSUKA herself. A bonus track, “W.A.B.K.”, is also included.



Released on 2018/4/17

ITSUKAのルーツであるROCK, BLUES, FOLKの魂はそのままに、現代的なビートに乗せたノリの良いアレンジで彩られたITSUKAのソロアルバム。別売で、各楽曲で使用された各ギターの写真、ITSUKAの帽子コレクションが掲載されているフォトブック有り。

The album’s sound consists of Itsuka’s trademark rock / blues / folk and some contemporary strong beats. ITSUKA recorded each song using different guitars. There’s a photo book version of this album and you can enjoy photos of the various guitars such as Gibson, Fender, Teisco, Crews Maniac Sounds, Eastman Guitars, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, and even a Sitar guitar. ITSUKA’s hats are also part of the collection!



Released on 2015/9/1

アメリカの映画『Love In Tokyo』のために、ITSUKAが書き下ろした楽曲で、本映画の主題歌となっている。楽曲は、英語と日本語で歌われており、人とのコネクション(繋がり)に関しての疑問を投げかけている。SNS等、バーチャルな繋がりが増える一方、現実の世界でのリアルなコネクションが薄くなっているかもしれないというメッセージソング。

Connection,” the theme song from the feature film “Love in Tokyo” is about how our connections have changed from face-to-face to more “online.” Many of our “online friends” are people we’ve never even met in person. It is important to connect in person so we don’t lose the human touch.



Released on 2016/3/25

UNNATURAL活動停止後の初のITSUKAのソロシングル。お花見シーズンにピッタリのPOP ROCKソング。CD版は、歌詞、和訳付。ITSUKAが自ら手がけたアートワークにもご注目。女性シェアハウス「ハナサカス」CMタイアップソングとして、テレビや街角の大ヴィジョンで放映された。

“SAKURA…LALALA” is a perfect Pop Rock song for cherry blossom season! This song is an image song for the female share house company “HANASAKASU”

ITSUKA率いるバンドUNNATURALのベスト盤『Memory Card』

Released on 2020/5/8


The greatest hits of the Japanese pop-rock band UNNATURAL. The album includes remastered songs released in the past.
For the present world that is hard to cope with COVID-19, and for various hardships that may occur in the future, we decided to donate all proceeds from this album through the Red Cross.